Just after the bedtime rituals and right before the final
tuck-in, she asked me what it was like to be old. I wasn’t offended. To a child
of seven, everyone over the age of twelve seems old.
I began to share my own musings on the passing of many
years. “Being old is wonderful. You have seen so many places and have so many
memories. Getting old is wonderful because of…”
Before I could finish, she interrupted, “Grandchildren. You
have to be old before you can have grandchildren.”
“Yes! Yes,” I said. “That is absolutely the best part of
being old.”
I was, of course, delighted by my newfound knowledge that my
hugs, kisses, hand-written notes and special treats had conveyed the accurate
message of love. Even more, I was touched by her obvious sense of security in
knowing she was treasured.
Here was a child who knew her very existence brought me
pleasure. She had no doubt that I delighted in her, her sister and her cousins.
Relaxing into this verbal reminder of my unquestionable love for her, she let
go of the final reins of day as night carried her toward peaceful rest.
Our little conversation took me to my own familiar place. In
her confident declarations, I relived my own relationship with a heavenly
Father who cherishes me. I recalled his constant tenderness to me, even when I
was slow to call it love. I remembered learning to rest safely in the arms of
the One who loves me with an everlasting love.
The exchange gave me insight into my Father’s heart as well.
If my granddaughter’s knowledge of my love brought me such joy, how much more
is the One who delights in me pleased when I am confident in his love.

“For the Lord your God is living among you. He is a mighty
savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm
all your fears.
He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.” Zephaniah 3:17